Thursday, January 1, 2015

¡FELIZ NAVIDAD!! Like riding a roller-coaster

December 22, 2014
Hello there!

I am doing fantastic. This week I am just so happy and really excited for my second Christmas in Mexico. I am really grateful to be a missionary and to be able to realize what Christmas really means.

I LOVE the message of He Is The Gift and i just want everyone in the world to hear about it. I am freaking out because the month is going by so fast and there are still so many people that need to hear this message and how they can embrace the gift through applying the restored gospel to their lives!

We are officially on bikes, which is not as great as I thought because after a while it gets really uncomfortable, and it makes it harder to contact. I seriously love talking to people. I've decided that contacting is like riding a roller-coaster, you are always afraid to do it before and then you have so much fun and are really glad you did it and then just want to do it again and again!

I had an interesting experience this week. We got on a bus to return to our area after doing exchanges with the zone leaders. I sat down next to this lady and started talking to her and gave her a card and invited her to visit and the whole shebang. She said that she was on her way to work (it was about 6pm) and that on the weekends she worked during the night. I didn't think much of it because there are a lot of factories that work during the night here and in Tijuana. Well she thanked me for the card and for not judging her which I thought was a weird comment. It wasn't until she stood up, that I realized just what kind of work she did. I guess ignorance is bliss!

Good news! The baptismal date that I put in Delta got baptized on Saturday! It made me so happy because they didn't think they were going to baptize this month. I went back on exchanges this Tuesday for her interview. It rained a lot. I don't know if i mentioned this the last time but Delta is in the middle of nowhere, two hours outside of Mexicali. There was a lot of mud.

Well I am just so happy. One thing that I've really tried doing is improving my prayers. After studying "Orar Con Fe" in chapter 4 of Predicad Mi Evagelio I decided that that was something that I should work on. Its just been really hard because I finish the day SO TIRED and sometimes it feels like my mind is not able to function as I try to pray at night. As I have worked to change this, I have found that i have strengthened my relation with my Padre Celestial and been able to realize all the blessings and tender mercies that i receive. Sometimes when I account to Him the activities of that day, I feel unworthy to ask for things in return. I have learned from the scriptures that it is a commandment to ask the Father for things. I have been able to recognize lately that EVERY prayer has been answered. It has really been amazing. It has really been amazing because there are things that need to be done, but that i can't do alone! I am so grateful for prayer, I'm grateful for the atonement, and I'm grateful for the gift that our Heavenly Father gave us, the savior Jesus Christ and this special time that i have been given to testify of these things!

I hope you have an amazing week and a very merry Christmas. I know I will! I love you all so much!
Elder Smalley


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