December 10, 2013
Hola mi familia amada!
Wow! Five weeks already, and officially a month! My mission is 1/23 over, CRAZY! Also, it has been exactly a year since I broke my ankle! Wow!
Ever since I watched Elder Bednar's devotional last week, it has been a lot easier to recognize the spirit! On Wednesday we had TRC and the couple were native speakers from Mexico! Oh my goodness they talk fast! I was able to understand everything, but it was NOT easy! But at least that gives me hope. All my teachers keep telling me that Mexicans are the most difficult to understand-even Hermana Quisbert, who lived in Argentina her whole life! whew!
Lots of Hermanas have been asking for blessings. It basically means that you do not get home until very late, but the Savior was always willing to exercise his priesthood, and I guess I can too! It is so inspiring to witness the faith of the sisters. The zone leaders have been delegating lots of blessings to Elder Hesterman and I, and it really is an amazing experience! I'll write you later today with some pretty awesome details!
So this week has been so good with our investigators! Listening to the spirit ALWAYS pays off! Especially with some pretty tough investigators. i don't know if I don't know if I've told you about Gabriel but he was pretty much an atheist 16 year old who didn't care about anything except futbol, but now he is reading the book of Mormon and praying about baptism!!! For weeks, we tried, but had no success, but the spirit really does know how to guide! Our other investigator LOVES the book of Mormon and is also praying about baptism! He says he recognizes the spirit and the gospel has brought him hope! We are also starting with two new investigators- only they will be Elders from our district. I am also someone else's investigator! Pretty fun stuff!
I know that the Savior loves us! We got to watch the Christmas devotional. I loved Elder Nelson's talk and the Prophet's about the Christmas spirit. I have NEVER felt the Christmas spirit more than I have this season. I feel so much love from my Savior and I am amazed at the love He has for me! The greatest Christmas gift we have ever been given is His sacrifice, as in Alma 7:10-13.
I love the atonement, and cannot comprehend life without this knowledge. I can't stand the thought of all those people out there who are trying to bear life's burdens by themselves. That's what makes this work so sacred!
Love you guys,
Elder Smalley
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