August 10, 2015
Hey there Fam!Last week as we were walking out of the internet, I received a call that literally made me burst into tears. It was Elder Morgan. He was calling about a few questions about the weekly totals. Then he told me that Elder Hadley was the new district leader! and TRAINING!!! I honestly couldn't help myself. When we first became companions, he had just barely finished his 12 weeks of training, but his trainer really hadn't taught him very much, nor given him very much time to study. It has been a privilegio to watch him grow these last couple of months. I really tried hard to teach him everything I have learned, but it was easy because he was always so eager to learn!
I seriously miss him so much! I know I talked about it last week, but he literally changed my life! A few months ago I was discouraged because I was afraid I wasn't really changing! What I didn't realize is that God put us together so that I could learn from him, and his selfless love. Now, God has given me the opportunity to put what I have learned into practice. Let me explain. Transfers are always really hard, but this one especially has been pretty tough. Its been a rough week. I tried to stay really positive the whole time, but I kept finding myself wishing that things could go back to the way they were before. You all know how I get, I freak out and dont allow myself to be receptive to the spirit.
Well Sunday I was able to come down and feel the peace of the Holy Ghost come back to me. I felt
such a warm sense of God's love and awareness, but it was different than what I expected. Maybe I was waiting for some kind of sympathy or something, I don't know. But what I felt what a little "tough love" haha. I was gently reminded that it is not about me! I know that while God has a plan for me, and that plan includes me being here right now, what is more important is that God has a plan for his sons and daughters that are here in Universidad. He is preparing them to receive his gospel. THAT is what is important! Very apropriatly, I studied el Rey Benjamin's sermon today. I LOVED 4:21. How is it possible that I can be content unless I focus on serving others. It is not. I liked your email Mom, about studying the scriptures. Most of the time, I don't learn too many new doctrines in the scriptures, but more often I have things brought to my remembrance. I feel like the adversary works so hard to make us forget sometimes. One of my MTC teachers pointed out to me once that the Book of Mormon uses the word REMEMBER. Interesting, eh?
Last week Elder Coutiño, Elder Torres and Elder Lier returned home. They are my first ex compañeros to have finished. weird to think they are gone.
I love you all so much! Wish you all a very happy week!
Elder Smalley
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