How are you guys? How are you doing? I am just so happy after watching conference! I don't know why it impacted me so much, but the spirit was just so strong, even in Spanish - and even though the translator did not come near to doing justice to the tone of Elder Holland haha.
There were a lot of "one-liners" that really stood out to me, but maybe that's just because I was listening in Spanish! But I want to share the ones that I really enjoyed. They may be a bit different because I had to translate them back to English.
- "blessings are often delayed to help us grow faith" - President Eyring
- "danger lurks when we divide ourselves" - Elder Scott
- "we are here to learn how to manage the feeling of our bodies" - Linda S Reeves
- "we need the strength that comes from trusting in the prophets" - Elder Anderson
- "destructive words can take a dangerous situation to fatal" - Elder Zwick
- "Who we are is not who we can become...WE NEED TO CHANGE" -Elder Hallstrom
- "what does your heart desire" - Randall Ridd
- "are you sleeping through the restoration? ... get out!" "when we are grateful, we can find peace in times of affliction" - President Uchtdorf
- "true happiness does not mean being free from burdens" - Elder Bednar
- "blame keeps wounds open, only forgiveness heals" - President Thomas S Monson
- ... and of course Elder Holland has done it again!
Well if these quotes are wrong, it's because I listened in a language that I don't understand hahahaha!
I am so grateful for these talks! It is so edifying to have things be "[brought] to [our] remembrance"! If I could sum up this week, it would be that I am so grateful for the Lord's help. I really don't know how it is even possible for me to do this work. I'm not a good teacher, it's a miracle that anyone can even understand my greengo accent, and there is so much doctrine that I need to understand better, but I feel like my efforts have been blessed. It has really been an eye opener to me. 2 Nefi 32:9 has really come alive for me! He will always help, we just need to ask!
I love you so much!
Elder Smalley
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