September 29, 2014
Hey There!
I am just so glad this week is over! I´m sorry I know that is a very hard way to start off, but it has been tough. Haha I´m still loving this and everything, so don´t worry.
First of all. I am sick. It all started friday morning. For 10 months, I have prided myself on my immunity to what is known the ¨Tijuana Experience¨. Well let´s just say I spent a lot of time in the bathroom Friday morning. It was the worst day possible to do that because that morning we had to be at a meeting with the president for all the trainers and trainies at 9. We showed up late. Starting at about 11, my whole body just felt weak. Everything hurt.
All I could think of was a quote from President Eyring that goes ¨...and when my body begs for rest...¨ yeah my body begged for rest. I called the Mission nurses. They told me to drink lots of suero. I have no idea what it is or how you say it in english but it tastes really weird [best translation I can find is saline solution]. So saltines and crackers were all that i ate.
We walked around the whole day, without finding anyone to teach. Then at 7 we went to a baptism for the sisters. It was GOING to be a double baptism for us too but yeah that didn't happen. I´m not sure how to even explain it and I don´t even know the whole reason. Our investigadora made it passed the interview and everything. Well I decided I really don't want to give you guys the whole story, she just needs more time, which will turn out to be a blessing.
We stopped by Frida on Saturday. She anxiously asked me where I was in the LDM and I said Mosiah 17 and she was way too excited to let me know that she was now in Alma 5. ¿¿¿¿HOW DID THAT HAPPEN???? Well when we got there she and here mom were making sopes [traditional Mexican dish] so we helped them. It was a good time to get to talk with her mom a little bit more. We taught a quick lesson and the left.
That night we had a noche de hogar [Family Home Evening] with the JAS [Young Single Adults] and Frida told me that her mom wanted to invite us over to eat the sopes. I was very excited for the chance to help her mom be more interested in our message. Well we showed up and my body decides to be sick again. I felt so bad. I could barely force down the sopes, and I made 3 urgent trips to the bathroom in the process. I was mortified. I hope I didn't ruin everything.
Well I just need to put this week behind me and keep on trying. The work has been kinda slow recently. I hope I can figure out what the Lord wants me to change, and SOON. I love you all so much. have a great week!
Elder Smalley