I went to Las Vegas on Friday. In order to get my visa, I had to appear before the Mexican consulate. It was an...interesting day. We had to meet at the whyview bus stop at 4:30 am. Yeah. Our flight wasn't until 8:40, but they like to play it super safe I guess. It was the first time I had been in public besides going to Brigham's Landing, so it was nice to remember that there is more to the world than just Provo Utah haha. Basically my day consisted of waiting in the UNLV institute building for hours and hours until we went to the consulate, then we went back to waiting at the institute building. Literally, the consulate just needed to take my fingerprints and my picture, and that was it. An 18 hour day, just for 20 seconds haha. Then we went back to the Vegas airport and can I just say WOW! The people in Vegas LOVE the missionaries. Everywhere we went people acknowledged us as Elders. We had so many RMs come up and talk to us, and about 8 people offered to buy us dinner. I forgot to tell you this last week, but a man totally bought us lunch at Brigham's landing on my first dia de prearacion as well. My heart is so full. A man came up to us. he told us he was a nonmember, but that his son had served a mission. He began to cry and thanked us for our service. There really are great people all around. When we arrived back in Salt Lake, so many people welcomed us home it cracked me up. I was tempted to pretend like my family hadn't come to pick me up haha but i didn't. We finally got home at about 10:35. I still don't understand how it took that long. But hey, at least I have my visa. I feel bad for all the people who have been waiting longer than I have, and haven't gotten any travel plans.
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